Monday, July 30, 2007

Golf: The Impossible Sport

I spent almost all day at a golf course today manning a tent at a local chamber of commerce golf tournament. Our School had sponsored a hole and I was chosen to stand at our tent and make nice with the golfers who went through all day.

First, I realized that I'm a lousy salesperson. I had no problem talking with the golfers and chatting them up. However, I just cannot talk to them about the program or hand them brochures about our school. Somehow that seems too much like a used car salesman. I like to talk but I hate to sell.

Second, I realized that no matter how terrible a golfer I am, I really have no need to be self conscious. People were hitting shots all over the place. While there were some beautiful drives, there were just as many (or more) wild shots.


Idaho Dad said...

Speaking of memories, I well remember the "Beginning Golf" class we took together. We were both slow learners.

Rajiv said...

Remember the Chinese kid who would play every round with only the 5-iron? He almost always had the lowest score, using nothing but the 5-iron and his putter.